Tears and fear announce your arrival
And decorate the path of your return
But what colour are you death
Is it the red frightening hue of blood or the
Calm deep blue of the sea, but
May be you are black, dark like the dungeons
Where you rest your victims
Do you feel and know pain
The intense emotion drawing
Overwhelming motions
Do you laugh, the laughter of anguish
Filled with sorrow
Or do you look down at your victims
And count your victories with a smile
When you see the earth swallow them
Which is you? Man or woman
Do you lure with your beauty
And prey with you elegance
Seducing your victims with your charm
Or do you rule and slay them with
The power and rage of your muscles
Destroying with wanton abandon
Like a deranged man
Are you rich or poor
That your abundance keeps them attracted
And your gold baits them to you snare
Or are your tatters your magic
That you use to cause disquiet in them
Making them long and lust
For the noose of your poverty to snap
And squeeze the last breath in them
Which is you? Beautiful or ugly
With deep living scars
And festering wounds running with pus
That scare your prey into sudden death
Or are you fine and cultured
Clothed in laid out robes made from silk
That charm them to your embrace
Before suffocating under your arms
Are you cold or warm
Like the canal of the deep seas
That lure its prey with its stillness
To meet your wrath at its depth
Or teeth shuttering like the arctic
Masked in ice that numb their pain
But still their blood
And stop their hearts to your joy
Which is you? King or servant
Merciful to its subjects
Or ruling with an iron fist
Slitting the throats of your victims
At the slightest provocation
Or a meek servant before his master
Always bargaining his loyalty
Are you a beast so cruel
Roaming wild and savage
Feeding on your own offsprings
Do you walk naked
Showing your might
In bringing sorrow to your victims
What is your food death
Is it the blood of innocence
Or that of vengeance and sin

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