Thursday 31 July 2014

Smile for me

Smile for me
And thaw my heart away
Like you did today

So beautiful and ravishing 
Rousingly Intoxicating
With the charm of a witch
You must smile for me

Smile for me
Like a rising sun
And chain my heart to yours

So warm and radiant
Capture me in your snare
With the stealth of a hunter
If you will smile for me again

Smile for me
And steal my heart away
Set me against my will

So serene and flawless
Rabidly astounding
Like a lone desert star
Smile for me just once again

The Cultivator

Panting and puffing
Digging deeper
His hoe cultivating
Spreading a thin line of sweat
Streaming down his spine
His gratitude
Coming in gasps
Yelling to his own pounding

His hoe lost in the mould
Weeding ferociously
Spreading the soil
In submissive reception
To gulp his own warmth
In acceptance
Urging him on and on
To source even deeper
Deep from within

His hoe penetrating
Tilling and tilting
In a burst of flames
Burning into a frenzy
Toasting with pleasure
Pushing and wriggling
In delighted groans
With sweat dripping
From all his body


Thursday 24 July 2014

I will not Hurt my Manhood

I will not hurt my manhood
And shed its innocent blood

Why must I injure my sheath
To play into your tribal trap
Or to appease your greedy ego
Where wisdom is blackmailed by
The question of my sheath

I will not hurt my manhood
And scar its naive soul

And why must I wound my foreskin
To please your ignorance
Or to excite your perversion
And instil a false sense of valor
Where only cowardice resides

I will not hurt my manhood
And blemish it spirits

Why must I damage my prepuce
To charm your contempt
Or celebrate your squatting wits
Where your sheath reins
More supreme than your brains

What Colour is Death

They mourn your visit and wail at your sight
Tears and fear announce your arrival
And decorate the path of your return
But what colour are you death
Is it the red frightening hue of blood or the
Calm deep blue of the sea, but
May be you are black, dark like the dungeons
Where you rest your victims

Do you feel and know pain
The intense emotion drawing
Overwhelming motions
Do you laugh, the laughter of anguish
Filled with sorrow
Or do you look down at your victims
And count your victories with a smile
When you see the earth swallow them

Which is you? Man or woman
Do you lure with your beauty
And prey with you elegance
Seducing your victims with your charm
Or do you rule and slay them with
The power and rage of your muscles
Destroying with wanton abandon
Like a deranged man

Are you rich or poor
That your abundance keeps them attracted
And your gold baits them to you snare
Or are your tatters your magic
That you use to cause disquiet in them
Making them long and lust
For the noose of your poverty to snap
And squeeze the last breath in them

Which is you? Beautiful or ugly
With deep living scars
And festering wounds running with pus
That scare your prey into sudden death
Or are you fine and cultured
Clothed in laid out robes made from silk
That charm them to your embrace
Before suffocating under your arms

Are you cold or warm
Like the canal of the deep seas
That lure its prey with its stillness
To meet your wrath at its depth
Or teeth shuttering like the arctic
Masked in ice that numb their pain
But still their blood
And stop their hearts to your joy

Which is you? King or servant
Merciful to its subjects
Or ruling with an iron fist
Slitting the throats of your victims
At the slightest provocation
Or a meek servant before his master
Always bargaining his loyalty

Are you a beast so cruel
Roaming wild and savage
Feeding on your own offsprings
Do you walk naked
Showing your might
In bringing sorrow to your victims
What is your food death
Is it the blood of innocence
Or that of vengeance and sin

Monday 21 July 2014

Singing for Freedom

Standing by my veiled window
Slightly absorbed into my surrounding
Taking in, the silence of my veil
And the glint of the active day about to break
Its dim rays beckoning
Deep beyond the constrains of my veil
Startling my eyes to peer
At the three tiny birds
Perched above the ailing banana leaves
My interest married to their dance
The dance of freedom

My ears keen to their music
Soft and unrestrained above
The tender tapping of the rain drops
That glide down in a carefree attitude
Committed to no man's prison
To settle into tiny splashes
Mating with the shrived undergrowth
Eternally dying from suffocation
Inflicted by the banana stalks

And with each drop of rain
The music and the dance get merrier
And I see the first tiny bird
Lifting its wings into an elegant dance
That beg at my heart to join in the sway
Then the second tiny bird nods at me
Floating off into a choreographed groove
Eloping with my soul on its wings

Then the last tiny bird winks at me
Heightens its lyrical voice into a lilt
And without my control, I open my mouth
To mimic what my heart is dancing to
And that to which my soul has found bliss
They urge me on and on until am one of them
The three tiny birds unveiled

They sing and dance to my freedom
Evoking my want to be free
But am a human soul, caged by my own world
In a prison fashioned by my thoughts
And build with the effort of my hands
Behind my own veiled window
I peer in pain at the free world
Of the three tiny birds
sitting outside unveiled

What Women Want

What do women want
Are they not worth our love
Then why is she not contented
And love is what I have gifted to her

Or is it my car she is worth
So she feels accepted

What do women want
Are they not worth our trust
Then why wont she stay
And trust is what I have relinquished to her

Or is it my money she is worth
So that she feels safe

What do women want
Are they not worth our commitment
Then why wont she belong
And commitment is what I have built in her

Or is it my house she is worth
So that she can be happy

What do women want
Are they not worth our time
Then why wont she stay
And time is what I spend with her

Or is it my wealth she is worth
So she can be at peace

What do women want
Are they not worth our company
Then why wont she be happy
And company is what I offered her

Prayers of a Sinner

Am stooped, longing for a prayer
But, what must compel me to pray
Is it the fear of God or the fear of my sins
With my hands gently on my knees
Meek in my own sudden compulsion
Wanting to know and not to know
From the supreme deity, all at the same time
What must compel me into prayers
And my eyes are shut
Is it in fear of meeting God or seeing my sins
What reality of my life is it
The fear of the judgement day
Or the judgement that will be passed upon me
And with my head bowed
I seek to know
Is it in shame of my sins or in obedience to God
What truth of my living is it
Contemplating my choices
Will I be in either of the processions
One singing to Heaven
Or the one wailing to Hell
But, what must compel me into prayers
Is it the choruses and the sermons of angels
Or the allure of gold and silver
And I ask, what
Will compel me to pray
For my sins and to my God
It it the bounty of His providence
Or because am asking for His providence
But, what must compel me into prayer

Love and Death

What can change me
If not love, and if not death

One gives but the other takes
That where love has given
From me death has taken
That where my daughter was born
My mother was taken
And from where I lost a sister
Plays a son

What can change me
If not Love, and if not death

One builds, the other destroys
That where love has gifted
From me death has stolen
Where now stands a departed father
The hugs of brothers flourish
And from the fields of my sorrow
Is now planted joy

What can change me
If not love, and if not death

One is compassionate, the other brutal
That where love has forgiven
From me death has punished
That from where I stand divorced
A marriage is consummated
And from where they pronounce my death
A birth is celebrated

What can change me
If not love, and if not death

One is merciful but the other is cruel
That where love is tolerant
From me death has been insolent
That from where they bid me farewell
A welcoming party for the other begins
And from where there is a funeral
There is a wedding feast

What can change me
If not Love, and if not death

She Dances

She dances her dance
To the random beats
Her worries scattered
Like the beats ratting from my old stereo
She turns and twine
Like wild forest twigs
Tying each of her motions in fine emotions
In rhythm to the sway gyrating her
So flawless in flow
She dances her dance
Dancing like a water fall
She meanders with firmness in her steps
Like a lactating river
Feeding from the upstream
To the rattles and the plucking of my old stereo
She dances her dance
With soft tremors gulping her soul
As she floats away
Dancing her dance
To the random beats 
Rattling from my old stereo

Monday 14 July 2014


My shadow
you play by my side
when I dance, you dance
when I clap, you clap too
but why wont you sing like I do
so that I echo your song into mine

My shadow
you walk by my side
when I sit, you sit
When I stand, you stand too
but why wont you cry like I do
so that I can hold you in my arms

My shadow
you rest by my side
when I squat, you squat
when I sleep, you sleep too
but why wont you laugh like I do
so that I can sway in your joy

Short changed

I thought they were friends
That they would stand with me
And fight where I fought
But, they lied
They lied about that plan
They sold my efforts away
They blew our commitment
But, how they lied

They said the time was right
They bowed and vowed
They swore by the idea
And when they took that oath
They said it would be a union
But, they still lied
They sold it to the enemy
But, why their lies

They lied about that dream
And the vision we shared
The ones I trusted
But, why did they lie
Like vultures dancing at death
Smiling at my carcass 
The idea now scattered
But, they lied


Wednesday 9 July 2014


They dance broken
Like sticks fragmented
And sing in inciting elation
Like teenagers in glee 
Caricatures dressed in style
Each parading his ethnic stronghold
Like a priced bull ready for slaughter

Caricatures on podiums
Acting with the finesse of maestros
Vows and promises they make
Swearing and sweating in excitement
Frothing in filth
Each of their words a lie
In praise of their tribal chief

They dance to the euphoria
Of their jubilant drunk masses
Each staggering in their own hatred
Drunk from their delusions of power
Incited by echoed fears
Drawing rage to their faces
Their fists ready to tear 
But when done, they'll return after ages
To the forgotten masses, in huge cars and cash
To bewilder the tattered village
In amazement as they zoom
Fast and furious behind hinged windows
To the safety of their guarded homes
To stir another round of bloodshed